About Warrenton Baptist Tiny Tots
Warrenton Baptist Tiny Tots Care Center (WBTTCC) in cooperation with Warrenton Baptist Church has provided a strong family ministry to our local and neighboring communities for over 30 years. Our Center works to minister to the community by offering love and support to each family and child in the Spirit of Christ. Although a childcare program can never substitute for strong family life, Tiny Tots will provide the following essentials for an overall healthy child development.
Tiny Tots Philosophy
It is our philosophy that the child be comfortable and secure in his/her learning environment and achieve at his/her own speed. Our goal is to provide a wide range of activities that will provide positive development in all areas of your child. The activities in each room will be adjusted to meet a wide variety of needs for that group of children.
Children from the ages of two to five years, without regard to race, color, nationality, or religious affiliation, may be enrolled in the Tiny Tots Program. When all classes are full, a waiting list is compiled and vacancies are filled as they become available. We follow the waiting list as closely as possible, but factors such as creating a balance of boys and girls in each class must also be taken into consideration. Center capacity will not exceed 100 children, ages 2 through 11 at one time.
Tiny Tots is a Year Round Program
All students will be required to participate in the summer program, if they wish to secure their position in the fall. Children do not have to attend, but are required to pay the full summer tuition and registration. Children will be required to either remain in their same classroom (due to age) or move up to their fall position classroom. Children will not be allowed to move to a part-time classroom for the summer only and return to a full time classroom in the fall. The summer program is an 8 week session. One week during the summer the Center is closed for Vacation Bible School and tuition is not due for that week.