Mission Support

Tiny Tots participates in Community Service projects throughout the year. As a Christian Center we feel that children should not only hear about helping others, but should actively participate. We ask parents to help us in supporting the causes we choose for the year. In the past, we have contributed to our Community Food Bank, donated items to the Women’s Abuse Shelter in Culpeper, helped families in need at Christmas, raised funds for the Jaycees Christmas Toy Workshop, Fauquier Study Buddies and held Cystic Fibrosis Mini Marches, as well as being involved in the March of Dimes Walkathon.

Through the Friends of Fort Liberte and Haitian Children’s Fund, Tiny Tots supports a young man named Beaudelet Edouard. “Beau”, as the children call him is 19 years old and lives with his parents and 5 brothers and 1 sister. The support Tiny Tots has given to Beau has allowed him to attend school and continue his formal education. He is a good student and likes reading. He has a beautiful smile and is very proud of his friends at Tiny Tots. Any donations to Beau’s ministry can be made in the office.